Re-Envisioning Public Legal Education and Information (PLEI)

In 2020-2021, we undertook an in-depth analysis of public legal education and information, exploring how to facilitate learning about the law in a way that is grounded in community vision and supports efforts to end oppression.
This report showcases insights gathered from members of the community, archival materials documenting the history of West Coast LEAF’s public legal education and information (PLEI) work, as well as literature on critical, decolonizing, feminist, and trauma-informed approaches to PLEI.
As part of this project, our staff consulted with youth workshop facilitator volunteers, workshop participants, teachers, youth-serving professionals, former West Coast LEAF staff members, and fellow PLEI practitioners and social justice educators.
This report pulls together our biggest learnings about PLEI’s guiding principles, purposes, impacts, limitations, and potential harms, as well as ethical practices for PLEI practitioners. It will inform West Coast LEAF’s re-imagining of our work for years to come.
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We’re committed to ongoing learning and always interested in feedback. Please fill out our online feedback form to share your insights, ask questions, and/or let us know what you think of this report and how you plan to use it.
Our sincere thanks to all those who contributed to the development of this report. We also thank our generous project funder, the Law Foundation of BC.